Beck Kennel
Goldendoodle Breeder
I love to get updates on how the goldendoodle puppies are progressing and so happy to share all of their cuteness. I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I have. Keep up the good work and be sure to send in any video you would like to share!
Cedar's clicker training progress.
She is almost 4 months old.. Great Job!!
Cedar and the stick.
Such a Curious George :)
Cedar's play time.
She is so entertaining to watch.
Miss Cinder.
Exploring the back yard :)
Welcome home Teddy.. you are loved so much!
I sure am having fun playing with Annie and I think she enjoys me too.
Cedar @ 5 months, she just loves her outside playtime :)
Christmas 2014
Stuffed toys?
Miss Daisy loves to play fetch! She is such an intelligent goldendoodle.
Cedar loves to play in the river, she is such a lucky little dog :)
Cedar enjoying the beach life :)
Cinder is 6 months old today! I think Cinder is telling her family how much she loves them :)
Cedar loves to birdwatch :)
Cinder having a play day with the neighbor doodle. Cinder is the smaller pup :)
Cedar watching videos of her sister Cinder again :) Happy 6 month birthday Cinder!
Cedar catching up on what sister Daisy is doing :)
Cedar loves her new ride! It looks like you're having so much fun Cedar :)
Hughie has the sweetest eyes to match his adorable personality.
Goose Meets the Backyard Sprinkler