Beck Kennel
Goldendoodle Breeder
Our Guarantee
Seller guarantees that at the time of delivery, the puppy is in excellent health. All Beck Kennel goldendoodle puppies are Vet Checked at 6 weeks. This includes first round of vaccinations, fecal check and a full body exam (ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, heart, etc.) Should the puppy be found to be in poor health, of a serious nature, Seller will provide Buyer with a replacement puppy from another litter. Shipping fees will not be refunded.
The following conditions apply to the sale of the aforementioned puppy:
1. Description of Dog:
The puppy sold pursuant to the terms of this agreement is as follows:
Type of puppy: ____________________________
Sex: ___________ D.O.B.: _____/_____/________
Color: ____________________________________
Mom: ____________________________________
Dad: _____________________________________
2. Conditions of Sale:
Seller guarantees that at the time of delivery, the puppy is in excellent health. All Beck Kennel puppies are Vet Checked at 6 weeks. Should the puppy be found to be in poor health, of a serious nature, Seller will provide Buyer with a replacement puppy from another litter or a full refund of the purchase price of the puppy only. Shipping fees will not be refunded. The Seller has the right not to sell a puppy and return deposit.
The following conditions apply to the sale of the aforementioned puppy:
The Buyer has five (5) days from the time of receipt of dog to have dog examined by a Veterinarian. Any request to return the puppy to the Seller for a full refund must be made within this time period and may only be requested should the puppy prove to be sick upon arrival. Proof of examination must be provided.
A warranty against all serious life altering genetic disease is provided until dog is two years of age. This warranty is extended to three years if the buyer is providing continuous use of NuVet Plus Vitamins for their dog through Beck Kennel's’ tracking number. Should a genetic disease be discovered during this time, that will greatly shorten the life of, or greatly alter the quality of life of the puppy, Seller will provide Buyer with a full refund of purchase price only. Minor health ailments including, but not limited to, fleas, worms, or stress induced diarrhea due to the puppy's transition from the Sellers home are not reason for dog to be returned to Seller. Proof of examination and diagnosis must be provided to Seller and Sellers vet, should Buyer wish to request returning dog for a refund. Proof of a pre-existing ailment or condition that requires minor treatment and will not alter or shorten the dog’s life will not be reason for Seller to reimburse Buyer for the expenses associated with treating that ailment or condition. We do strive to produce a certain look but we do not guarantee size, color, or appearance. This warranty will be terminated immediately if dog is not examined within the allotted time.
The Seller guarantees the puppy against fatal viruses for 72 hours. These include Distemper, Parvo, and Adenovirus. NOT COVERED are Coccidia, Giardia and Kennel Cough. Coccidia and Giardia are commonly found in puppies and may or may not cause symptoms. Stress of a new home and surroundings can cause a stress-related outbreak. This should be considered a reasonable expectation and is the Buyer's financial responsibilty. Kennel Cough is self limiting and like the common cold, it must run its course. Full recovery is expected and Kennel Cough on its own is not life threatening.
A warranty for Hip Dysplasia is provided for two years and extended to three years. if using NuVet Plus thru Beck Kennel. This warranty will be terminated should dog be allowed to become overweight or developing joints be overstressed at any point during the first two years. Should dog be found to have Hip Dysplasia within its first two years, Buyer must provide Seller with proof in the form of documentation from PennHIP or OFA. We reserve the right to confirm the results before a replacement or refund is provided. Veterinary medical records will be required showing the weight of dog and veterinarians assessment of the weight. We reserve the right to confirm the results before a replacement or refund is provided. Should results from OFA / PennHIP indicate that an injury may have occurred that caused or contributed to the issue, no reimbursement or replacement will be provided
All Beck Kennel puppies are sold on a STRICT NON-BREEDING contract. Buyer agrees to spay or neuter this dog by 7 (seven) months of age. Buyer must send proof to Seller via. e-mail or regular mail. Upon execution of this contract, Buyer agrees this dog is being sold as a PET and will never be used for breeding. Failure to follow through with the spay/neuter contract as outlined above will terminate your Health Warranty. Legal action will be started for the breach in contract. Any legal fees incurred by the Seller to enforce this non-breeding contract are the sole responsibility of the Buyer.
Buyer agrees to return dog to Seller, or allow Seller to re-home dog/puppy should it become necessary at any point during its life. Seller will help negotiate price for Buyer with the new family where dog will be re-homed
Under no circumstances shall the Seller be liable to the Buyer or to any third party for any consequential, incidental or special damages resulting from or in a manner related to the puppy.
Upon execution of this contract all veterinary care and its associated costs are the sole and exclusive Responsibility of the buyer.
3. Maintenance:
Buyer agrees to maintain this puppy/dog in good health, provide routine preventative health care including, but not limited to, Vaccinations, Internal and External Parasites, Heartworm prevention and any other preventative medication Vet feels is needed. Veterinary records must be provided to breeder if requesting refund or replacement. If any of the above preventative care has not been provided, health warranty will be void.
Hybrid Poodle mixes occasionally can develop G.I intestinal issues due to them having sensitivities stomachs. This is the most common issue that you may encounter with your puppy. This can cause loose stool and it is the buyer’s responsibility to find the food most suitable for their dog. Many times a doodle can be on a food and then begin having issues. It's is not uncommon for a doodle to go through several food brands before finding the food that works best for them.
4. Full and Final Agreement:
Both Buyer and Seller agree that this Contract represents the entire Agreement between them and that no other representations have been made regarding the puppy described above. The Seller has the right not to sell a puppy and refund the deposit.
Signed & Dated Seller ________________________________________________________________________________
Signed & Dated Buyer ________________________________________________________________________________
Buyer Address _______________________________________________________________________________________
Buyer Phone Number _________________________________________________________________________________